The Four Pillars

What gets you out of bed in the morning? Do you go to school because someone told you to? Do you think of high school as merely a tedious and unavoidable preamble to a more meaningful stage of life? It doesn’t have to be that way.

To be sure, LGA will prepare you to excel in any field of study and embrace whatever plans God has for your life. But that’s not enough for us. We believe you have the right to feel butterflies of excitement on the way to school; to be enchanted with learning once you get there; and to delight in your classmates and conversations the whole day through. In short, we believe school should be a place you love, not a place you can’t wait to leave, and you should only go because you’ll be better for it - not just when you graduate, but every day.

We build that kind of educational experience on four pillars. First, we immerse you in the great conversation of the best thoughts and ideas that have ever been recorded. Second, we teach you to unleash your own imagination by thinking independently and across disciplines. Third, we encourage you to cooperate with God’s inflaming love to find His purposes for your life. And fourth, we prepare you to use your gifts and talents to transform the world for the better.

Hover over each image to learn more

Join the Conversation

High school should be a time to immerse yourself in the great conversation that has been going on since the dawn of time - the worthy exchange of thoughts and ideas about humanity’s most fundamental questions. Our liberal arts approach respects you as a key participant in that dialogue. We strive to equip you with both the proper historical knowledge of the intellectual giants on whose shoulders we stand and the tools you need to confidently take your place and make your own contributions. Together with your classmates and teachers, you’ll explore, debate, and unlock some of the most meaningful discoveries and mysteries in the history of the world.

Ignite Your Passion

LGA offers its students a rich sacramental life. We joyfully participate in the liturgical life of the Church and afford students ample opportunities to pray and worship. Further, we proudly embrace the Church’s intellectual tradition and associate ourselves with Her mission to be a light to the nations. Our approach to education is directly informed by the Catholic understanding of what it means to be human - specifically, what it means to be loved by God, and to be called in turn to love Him and our neighbor with our whole hearts. We never impose Catholicism on students; on the contrary, we propose and invite, maintaining utmost reverence for each person’s unique faith journey and relationship with God.

Unleash Your Imagination

We will prepare you to excel on SATs, ACTs, and the more challenging Classical Learning Test. However, that’s not a high enough bar to clear when it comes to academic excellence. Studying to perform well on someone else’s test isn’t really learning - it’s cramming - and you deserve better. True academic excellence requires curiosity, creative and interdisciplinary thinking, and wonder. A classical curriculum is challenging - and genuinely the right fit for every student. Our world-class faculty, mentorship program, and classrooms without walls will habituate you to a deep and lifelong love of learning that will not only serve you well in any field of study, but propel you to become a pioneer wherever you’re called to go.

Transform Your World

Virtue (from the Latin virtus, which grows from vir, or man) is a necessary condition for being fully ourselves. In other words, we are most vibrant when we are most virtuous - that is, when we have firmly anchored our natural, God-given aptitudes in service and self-forgetful love. Whether it’s through our various clubs, our collaborative Code of Ethics, or our daily encounters with charity, justice, and mercy, we prepare our students to use their gifts and talents for the good of others. The habits of heart and mind learned at LGA will form your character for years to come. Long after graduation, it will be second nature for you to energetically step into positions of servant leadership, and so change the world for those you encounter.

Want to learn more? Check out Conversations with an 8th Grader. It’s a great place to start: