Honoring the Right to Life at Lumen Gentium Academy, January 2022

This year’s March for Life in Washington, D.C. occurred as Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization subjects Roe. vs. Wade to its most serious challenge in decades.

On Friday, January 21st, in conjunction with the March for Life, Mr. Davis addressed the student body on the legal history preceding Roe vs. Wade and this year’s anticipated decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. The students were led through a brief history of seminal cases forming the basis of the U.S Supreme Court’s abortion jurisprudence.

For insight into what the students learned, and become informed on this history yourself, see Mr. Davis’s lecture notes here.

The students created pro-life chalk murals around campus and ended the school day with a holy hour at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church to pray for an end to abortion.


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